Sunday, February 3, 2008

Woulda Shoulda Coulda

OK, I have an addendum to my 2008 New Years Resolution list - to get a freakin' flu shot. You'd think that having a two year old would've prompted me to do so as soon as they were available, but NO, this makes my fourth straight day laying on the couch feeling and looking like the living dead. Obviously, I've had a lot of time to think about this, and I think the shot tops the running shoes hands down. I haven't left my house since Friday am and I feel (and probably look) like a troll in a cave. Chris & Kate and my neighbor and friend Marianne have been great though - thanks so much for your help! It's bad when you can't even take care of your own kid, much less yourself. Now on to my big outing today - I think I've reserved enough strength to go to the grocery store. One good thing that did come out of this - I finished a truly wonderful book - "Suite Francaise" by Irene Nimorovsky. The author was actually deported to and died at Auschwitz and her manuscript for this book was found only a few years ago. The book is about the Nazi occupation of France and how people from different socio-economic groups live with their occupiers. Highly recommend it! Anyway, as you can tell, no pictures were allowed this week - at least until the circles under my eyes disappear.


Cathy said...

Sorry to hear that you're not feeling well! I've been meaning to call and see how you've been - will do so over the next day or so! Hope you get feeling better soon!

I actually swear off the flu shot. It's probably just a mental thing, but the one year I got the flu shot was the year I was the most sick in my life, not with flu or anything like that but with totally unrelated illnesses. Like I said, probably a mental thing, but there you have it!

Kristin Mulrooney said...

We hope you are feeling better soon, we missed seeing you and Kate.

Rain in My Head said...

If it makes you feel any better my sister told us that the particularly bad strain of flu that has been going around was left out of the flu shot. . . so even if you'd gotten the shot, there's still a good chance it wouldn't have helped. :) Hope you feel better soon.