Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Potty Chronicles

Yesterday was a big day in the big potty-training scheme of things. I told Kate that we were going to Target and that she was going to pick out her first pair of "big girl pants." She was VERY excited - for a while now, she's been aware of the difference between wearing her diaper and me wearing "big girl pants." We get to Target, she gets into the cart, and we head over to the kids underwear aisle. Right away, eagle-eye Kate sees the knickers she wants - the ones with Dora and Boots on them - and they're on the bottom row. I stoop down to fish through the bottom rack to find her size. Kate is so excited that she kicks me in the face and I end up doubled over in the floor in Target.

This is going to be interesting.....


Kristin Mulrooney said...

I am keeping my fingers crossed that that is the worst of the process! Good luck!

EFN Newsletter said...

good start :), I can't wait to hear more stories to go along with it.