Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Next Anna Pavlova...Or Not...

Saturday marked another milestone in Kate's life - her first ballet recital! I honestly didn't think that she would pull it off - the dress rehearsal was less than stellar. I talked it up all week with her - "aren't you so excited? You'll get to dance with your friends on the stage! If you're a good girl, we'll go for ice cream afterwards," etc. Yesterday, it was 100 degrees here, and Kate had to wear a brown, velvet leotard with a brown tutu and thick pink tights. The elements were all there for a massive tantrum and I braced myself. I made Chris sit out in the audience, because if he were sitting with Kate, me and the rest of the students, she would've never gone on stage. Things got even more tense when Kate kept saying (loudly) backstage "Turn the lights on!" and proceeded to collapse on the floor before she and her group went on. Fortunately, Miss Sarah (her teacher), picked Kate up and held her during the first 2 minutes of the routine, then set her down on the floor where she started to spin. And spin. And spin. Jump. And spin. Bow.

I can see how this was nerve-wracking for my mother when Allyson & I were growing up and had to go through so many recitals (piano and dance). Hopefully, this won't be the last one......but I certainly can wait for the next.


Kristin Mulrooney said...

I am so proud of Kate (and you). What a terrific accomplishment! BRAVO Kate!

Aunt Donna & Uncle Bob said...
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Aunt Donna & Uncle Bob said...

Hi Beth, Chris & Kate,

Loved the ballet review - I've been to 2 dance recitals this spring - love the little ones in their costumes - so precious!

Love you,
Aunt Donna & Uncle Bob

EFN Newsletter said...

I can't even tell you how much I wish I could have seen that. Awesome.