Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Goodbye Rosie - We Hardly Knew Ya...

Yesterday we bid farewell to our lovable VW bug Rosie. Chris, who drove it to work everyday, was ready for a new car. I, being the sentimental old fool, LOVED that car - it was the perfect social worker car. We bought it on the day we found out I was pregnant with Kate as a form of rebellion. A lot of people, finding out they're pregnant would've been more practical and would've probably bought a minivan or SUV; but NO, we had to be different. Also, my parents had a blue one when I was born - it was the only car at the time that could fit my 6ft.-5 inch father (amazing headroom). Anyway, we now have a Japanese AND German car - so don't tell my grandmother (we didn't tell her about the bug for the same reason) - the Battle of Normandy may as well have been fought yesterday according to her.

OK, so we need to come up with a name for the new car - it's a navy BMW, so something masculine but not German (ie. no Adolf, Hermann, Josef, Goebbels, you get my drift). I was thinking Blue Man. Anyone have any suggestions?


Kristin Mulrooney said...

I think I need to see the car before I can come up with a name. As hard as it was to say good-bye, I am sure this newest vehicle will fit right in!

EFN Newsletter said...

I'm sad I never got to see Chris driving the bug. I think it would have brought a smile to my face every time.